We’re Ready for a Budget that Moves Us! Sign on to Transit for All PA! and call on Governor Shapiro to pass a funding plan that grows connection.

Whether you’re from State College or Scranton, Philly or Erie, every Pennsylvanian deserves transportation access to opportunity. Organize with us to win public transit in every corner of our state.
Register to join the statewide transit rider and transit worker organizing call this month! “Transit For All PA! – A Statewide Path to Funding for Transit“
Join public transportation riders, workers, and neighbors from across Pennsylvania to learn to build a platform for visionary service in rural and urban communities across the Commonwealth! Thousands of Pennsylvanians have been organizing with Transit for All PA! since 2021. Learn about the background of our transit organizing, share your stories about the state of transit in your community, and gear up for our biggest fight yet!
How to take part in the TRANSIT M♥VES ME photo campaign to tell Gov. Shapiro transit must be a top priority!

Guidance for taking photos:
- Write the sign in Sharpie or print from a digital doc
- Sign should be horizontal
- Font should be large and cover the entire page
- Message is: I am a ____________ [insert job title] and transit moves me <3
- Hold it high: under your face
- Photo should be taken in portrait orientation/vertically
- Don’t take a back lit photo: Make sure the light source in the room is shining on you and the sign
- If possible, have someone else take the photo so that nothing is left out of the frame
- Take a couple photos so you can decide which one you like best and don’t forget to smile! 🙂
Once you have your photo:
- Send your photo to Connor at connor@transitforallpa.org with a sentence or two about why you’re taking action!
- Post it to social media with the following message:
I am an essential worker and transit moves me!
Hey @governorshapiro! Public transit needs more funding so we can connect all our neighbors.
🚨 Take action with me and the @TransitPA campaign here: https://www.transitforallpa.org/tell-gov-shapiro-transit-moves-us/